My name is Natalie, I was in the Army for about six years.  My last rank was E4.  My disability occurred during deployment to Iraq in 2010.  I have PTSD and it affects me by being in crowds and I get bad anxiety to the part I start to have anxiety attacks. I also have diabetes and major depression. I can’t even go to the grocery store it is very uncomfortable. I feel like everyone is starring   and someone is going to attack me.  I am consistedly on guard my dog calms me down when I’m at home some I believe by him being a service dog he can do more for me in public. So, a service dog would help with my symptoms.  My dog Scooby already lifts my well-being his very smart and notices a lot about me and stays by my side a lot.  This would be a very beneficial opportunity for me and my dog it would provide the help I need.